We’ve spent most of this week just hanging out and doing many of the same kinds of things I’ve already written about in previous posts. So rather than trying to come up with something new and exciting to write about, I’m mostly going to just share some random pics from the last few days.
More than anything, I think you’ll see that our three kids are getting pretty ornery. Let’s just say we got everything we asked for when God gave us three kids!!
Painting nails and riding the big wheel under the cabana…
Got the kid’s passport photos taken. Ice cream afterwards with our driver, Jose Maria…
RSS: Random silly selfies…
Immunization shots… Three kids and sharp needles… THAT was a fun experience. I was a bit busy during the actual immunizations trying to keep three kids from running out of the room, so I didn’t manage to get any photos at the medical clinic. But, of course, here are some silly shots from the waiting area!
In this first one, they don’t look so excited about what’s coming…
Tonight at dinner we discovered they LOVE watermelon!
And a small update for our church family at FIRST: Remember I showed you in the Project Hope video the warehouse where our shoes would be eventually stored?
Guess what arrived today??!! Three trucks full of supplies that came on that shipping container. These guys worked incredibly hard to unload everything!
That warehouse that was nearly empty is now loaded with supplies, clothes and shoes that will be used to bless so many families that don’t have basic necessities.
FIRST family, below are the 1700 pair of shoes you donated, and more! They will be distributed beginning after the first of the year, and we hope to be able to provide more pictures when that happens.
Friday we have some important meetings regarding our adoption process, and we hope to have updates to bring you soon after. Thanks for continuing to pray!
We are blessed…
One word we can attach to your experience is “AMAZING!” We are picking up some vibs that it won’t be long before we see ALL of you in person!
You simply cannot know how exciting it is for us folks back home to see the activity, smiles, fun, and LOVE that pours through your faces. Even the illnesses allow us to see such compassion and gentleness that you are extending to your kiddos.
Also, seeing that the 1700 pairs of shoes have arrived! Our church needs to do something similar again! I think we all have a new-found investment in this country through 3 young children that will soon be YOUR “forever” family!
Love you and your three!
Earl & Dennie
We continue to pray and God continues to bless! I am glad that life is like a family. Those are the same crazy pics we would take. Enjoy every minute and know that we are praying and sending much love!!! Hugs for you all!