December 22 Update

Hey everyone!  Things are moving along quickly and smoothly with our final preps to come home.

Yesterday (Monday) we obtained the results from the kid’s TB tests (all clear) and then went to do all the necessary paperwork to get their passports. It cost a little extra, but we requested a 24-hour turnaround. There was quite a long wait at the immigration center, but the three little ones did awesome.

Today Carlos took me back to get the passports first thing this morning, and they were ready as we hoped.  So then we had to go back to the doctor’s office for one final visit to pick up paperwork. The paperwork could not be completed until we had obtained their passports, thus the reason for the return trip.  But by the time we were done, we had everything we need for our visa appointment.

The US Embassy here is only open through Wednesday this week due to the Christmas holiday.  So we were not sure we were even going to get an appointment this week. Actually we weren’t sure we could even get one next week. But once again God provided and we got an appointment for Wednesday morning (tomorrow) at 9:00 am. This is the final piece of the puzzle… We have to get the kid’s visas and we can bring them home!

Pray there are no snags in the interview AND that they will be able to issue our visas the same day so we can make travel arrangements and get ourselves on a plane.  Usually it’s not a same day turnaround, but at this point we are praying these kinds of things daily… So why not one more? 🙂

Love you all… More to come tomorrow!


4 thoughts on “December 22 Update”

  1. I am so beyond excited and I continue to be amazed at God’s presence in each and every part of this journey. In reality, it is one of the few times when I am at a loss for words. The only thing I know to say is “Thank You Lord.” Can’t wait to hear more.

  2. OH MYLANTA!!!!!!!! I am SO…………………………………………HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Of…………………………You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I so……wish I could be there when you arrived!!!!!!!! I will be in love and spirit!!!

  3. This is amazing, but hey, our God is AMAZING!!! Prayers still coming your way. Either way, you guys will be returning much sooner than you expected. Love and hugs to all!!!

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