Day 1: Love at First Sight

Well, this took a long time to get posted… We are still trying to figure out some issues with our computers here.  But, better late than never… Thanks for your patience.


(Tuesday, way past bedtime…)

First, let me say thanks to all of you who are excited back home and praying with us.  We felt the power of your prayers today.  We couldn’t have asked for a better first day.  I’m not sure we could have asked for a better ANY day.

After arriving on Monday evening, we learned that we would not be wasting any time on Tuesday getting the ball rolling.  We had a meeting with the government team, Mi Familia (Ministry of Family), at 9:00 am.  During this meeting we met our Nicaraguan social worker, who was very easy to work with.  She explained much about the children’s history, health, personalities, etc.  It was a very helpful time for us, and we were so grateful to “get to know” them at a greater level.  However, the even better news was when she concluded the meeting by saying “the children are ready to meet you, so we’re going now!”

We had hoped to meet them sometime on Tuesday, but knowing we were being taken to them right away was fantastic.  I will save you too many details, but we were taken to an orphanage that was on the outskirts of Managua, and it was absolutely beautiful.  The facilities were incredibly nice and well maintained, and the staff was top notch.  We learned very quickly that our children had been in great care.

After an initial visit with the orphanage team, it was quickly time to meet our children.  Jennyfer (Jenny), Sofia and Jose.  We suddenly found ourselves a bundle of tears and nervous excitement in the few precious moments while we waited for them to come out.  We just felt so overwhelmed that God had done something special… We could hardly hold it together, and we had not even laid eyes on the kids yet!

And the rest of the story is pretty simple.  All the “what if’s” and nervous wonderings melted away the moment the kids came out to us.  It was picture perfect, instant connection, love at first sight kind of stuff – everything we had prayed for and more. We had been told they were excited that they were being adopted, and it seemed very true.  They were as ready to love us as we were to love them.

It was a day we will remember in our minds and hearts for as long as we live.  Our hearts are absolutely overflowing.  But words fall short in trying to describe what a beautiful experience this was for us, so I’m going to let this be enough words and try to give you a better glimpse.  See below.

We love all of you and know that we can’t wait to bring our family home.  Thanks for sharing this journey with us.  We hope you enjoy watching this, and that you’ll find yourself smiling for the next five minutes!



52 thoughts on “Day 1: Love at First Sight”

  1. WOW…tears! So beautiful and moving. An incredibly beautiful and wonderful family. Thanks for allowing us on your journey. Can’t wait to meet the rest of the Sisney’s. We love yall!!

  2. Can’t stop crying and laughing and crying and laughing and keep having to remind myself to breathe. AWESOME, AMAZING GOOD GOOD FATHER INDEED! oh my oh my. How beautiful! PRECIOUS and GOD BLESS YOU were the words that kept flooding my mind as I watched! So Happy for you, for them, for us who get to love on them!

  3. Well, I’d be smiling if I could get the tears out of my eyes. Yes, they are tears of joy and happiness. God is so good. Thank you God for answered prayers.

  4. WoW! What an amazing God we serve! This couldn’t be any sweeter or more beautiful! Thank you for sharing! Can’t wait to see and hear about more exciting days with your new family!

  5. Praise to our amazing God! We don’t know who is more blessed … the new Mom and Dad or the precious little children who now have you to love them. Tears of joy all around!

  6. Beautiful, beautiful picture of the Father’s crazy love for His children. Awesome!!! Speechless!!! Lee & Casey, not only were your prayers answered but you were the answer to someone’s prayers. Jo & I share in your “good tidings of great joy…” Loving cinco Sisney’s!!!

  7. Words are inadequate. Absolutely amazing! Prayers for a sweet fist meeting were certainly more than answered! We can’t wait to meet your beautiful children. Love, Steve & Debbie

  8. Oh.My.Goodness!!! They are perfect in every way!! I can not wait for you to bring them home! SO very happy for your family of 5! Bring home the village for me would ya?!

  9. Absolutely beautiful! When I saw the five of you together, it immediately looked like a complete, perfect family out together by God. Sooo happy for the Lord’s answered prayers. Sending lots of love to Sisneys, Party of 5! Xoxoxo…

  10. Love you all! I cried through smiling! I felt like I was there and then, I cried all over again when we showed Joey. We are so excited! We can’t wait to meet them and give them big hugs and kisses!!! Vickie

  11. Oh my goodness!! This is the most perfect first meeting!! I cannot stop crying! I am so incredibly happy for the five of you! Thank you for allowing us to be on this journey with you! Prayers were definitely answered! Love you all!

  12. Friends we were weeping watching this. Having gone through it just 2 weeks ago we feel exactly what your hearts are feeling! Love you! God is definitely a GOOD GOOD FATHER! This song is fitting for this occasion, one we clung to as well! Congratulations to your beautiful family!! Words can’t describe how happy we are for you! And I know you know we completely understand! What joy! I’ll say it again, He IS Faithful!!!! Sending our love and continued prayers!

    The Tarter family! Abby too!!! Can’t wait for you to meet her! Can’t wait to meet your sweethearts! Still smiling at His goodness!

  13. Wow, just wow. Our God is soooooo good! Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful forever moment with us! April and I cannot express how excited we are for you and those beautiful kids! What a great looking family!!! May God always bless you both in this walk. There will be hills and valleys I can assure you but there is nothing better than being parents, and loving on your kids. Those kiddos don’t know how good they have it but they will.

    Love you guys!!!

  14. Oh my 🙂 Our hearts are overwhelmed watching the video..Tears streaming as we watched the greatness of God and the answer to the prayers. God is so GOOD!!! Thank you so much for sharing. WE are so excited!!!!! So thankful you can video…it is like we are there watching with you. LOVE YOU SO MUCH….

  15. THEY CAME RUNNING. i am a basket case. oh my goodness those precious babes. so beyond words for you all. love ALL FIVE of you!

  16. Wow… The tears are streaming watching this video. God is good and always remains faithful. Thank you for sharing. Love you all!

  17. I got to watch this earlier at work but i couldn’t hear much sound on my work computer and everyone was around. I cried then, but I just now got to sit and really watch it by myself, I I am bawling tears of happiness and am speechless. To see them run to you with open arms and to see all of you instantly fall in love, has my heart overflowing. That truly has to be one of the most magical moments I have ever seen. There are no words to express my happiness and love for all of you and the blessings that God has given to all of you, but also to all of us for getting to be a part of their new family. We have always had a lot of love to give and can’t wait to share that with the kids.

  18. Well, I have watched it for about the 10th time tonight, even had to watch it at halftime of the game I was broadcasting. I saw God in that video. I saw him in three young children. I saw him in two parents, willing to step out in Faith and who let God direct and create the path to follow. The smiles, the twinkle in the eyes of everyone leave no doubt that this is exactly as God had planned. It is so AWESOME that it takes my breath away. Thank You GOD for answered prayer. Thank You for bringing this family together. I am completely in awe.

  19. Words cannot describe the JOY I feel for you FIVE! You know me well enough to know that I could barely see the video because of blurry eyes #eyesweating.

    WOW! Those kids have no idea how blessed they are to have you two as parents.

    And what precious and beautiful kids!.


    Now I have to go watch the video again, maybe I will actually be able to see it this time 🙂

  20. OH my goodness gracious! As I am sitting here at work, my mom told me that you had posted and I didn’t care who was around or if I was at work. I had the video playing and I was crying my eyes out while still trying to eat a bagel I already had in my mouth. Talk about a choking hazard 🙂 God is soooo good! Couldn’t have been a more perfect day! So very excited for you guys! Talk about love at first sight! NO words can express the amount of love in my heart for you guys and this new family. Can’t wait to meet them! Love you guys and be safe! See you soon!

  21. I wonder if it’s even possible to wear any more JOY on your face than the five of you are showing. OH. THE. GOODNESS of our God. Can seriously hardly take it. Tears just keep rolling … hard to catch your breath at the pure moments of fierce love in this little glimpse of your day. May this wonder … this awe … fill you in all the days ahead as a family. (AHHH!!!!!) Praising Him with a giddy spirit and an overflowing heart just spilling with gratitude for His provision. Love you!

  22. OMG! How amazing! How blessed! There’s no way anyone can watch this without tears! You both will be amazing parents. Praising the Lord for His incredible love and many blessings!

  23. Oh, Lee, the way Jose ran to you! I’m teary-eyed just thinking about it. Cannot even imagine the overwhelming emotions, the love that washed over you. God chose you for one another, and it is simply amazing! We will be praying, because there are bound to be some challenges ahead, but what a way to start your relationship!

  24. There are no words except God’s: “for I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord…”plans to give you hope and a future.”

  25. We just watched the video and tears of great joy for you guys. Your new children are absolutely beautiful. Loved the first family photo and seeing all the smiles on your faces. We are so happy for you guys and we will continue to pray for you and your family as you unite with one another. God knows exactly what he is doing and he has placed you all together to become a loving family. Nothing like it. We love you guys. Can’t wait to read the next blog. Rhonda and Jeff

  26. I am crying all over, again. I am so ecstatic for you all! I shared the Day 1 video in my room with Lisa Fry, Pam Neu, Susan Foster, Sue Sharp and Mayra Orozco. We cried and smiled as we watch the Father’s plan unfold right before our eyes. They are as excited for you! Lisa had me play the video over at least 7 or 8 times because she enjoyed watching your family and your beautiful children. You guys can stay realistic and I will continue to pray for a speedy return to Missouri. LOVE YOU GUYS! Please hug those babies from ALL of their Missouri family.

  27. Stef just showed me the video and even with her preparing my heart beforehand I couldn’t help but cry such thankful years for you guys! God is good good good! And you all look so happy! We love you all so much! Can’t wait to meet them 🙂

  28. Beauty, Joy, Love, Goodness…. Hard to keep it together after watching. Amazing grace and mercy of our Good God abounds! We love you all!

  29. I am so happy for you guys! I can’t wait to meet your sweet babies! Thank you for sharing your journey with us! I cry happy tears for you every time I watch the video or even think about you guys. We love you!

  30. I couldn’t help but to cry tears of joy watching this. How amazing!! I’m so happy to see your family of 5 complete! Our father is such an amazing good, good father!! So happy for your family and can’t wait to meet them!

  31. Oh, God is so very, very good. Smiles and tears! Continually praying for you. I can’t wait for the Sisney family to come home, so we can love on them too!

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