Day 2 & 3: Better Together


Your response to the video I posted after day one has been overwhelming.  Thank you, family and friends.  As we like to say, our hearts are overflowing and it’s leaking out our eyes!  From your responses, it’s apparent many of you had the same reaction.  How great the Father’s love for us, to allow us this amazing joy!

As we ended day one, we were told that we would be able to go back the next morning and spend more time with our children, enjoying some of their routine at the orphanage with them.  I mentioned previously that it was a beautiful place… As we understand, it’s very special compared to some other facilities.  You can tell they were quite content there.

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However, the morning of day two (Wednesday) we were greeted with two bits of news: First, the Momotombo volcano, not too far from us, had erupted for the first time in 110 years.  While it is not close enough to cause concern for our safety, it is yet another first for us! (Last year when we were here, there was an earthquake.)  We were not close enough to see the lava…


…But this is a news photo of what it looked like up close.

The Momotombo volcano spews a large plume of gas and ash as seen from the rural community of Papalonal, in Leon, Nicaragua, Wednesday, Dec. 2, 2015. Quiet for many years, the volcano emitted some glowing rock on Wednesday, after gas and ash emissions began Tuesday. In 1610, the city of Leon was destroyed during an eruption of the Momotombo and was relocated west, where it is currently located. (AP Photo/Esteban Felix)
(AP Photo/Esteban Felix)   Read More:


The second bit of news we received on Wednesday morning was that things had gone so well on the first day that Mi Familia had decided to go ahead and let us bring the children to stay with us.  This was exciting news, as they had originally said it would not happen until day three.  So, off we went to sign some papers and pick up the children!  They were very ready to go with us.  We nearly had to make them say goodbye to their caretakers and friends.


So by lunchtime we were back at our place getting the three of them settled into their new surroundings.  We spent the afternoon fixing them lunch, playing games, taking a walk, and beginning to figure out life together!

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It was a great day. Jenny, Sofia and Jose seem to be very comfortable with us.  Make no mistake – we were wiped out by day’s end!  Yet every moment was incredibly satisfying.  We are feeling very fulfilled as we spend these precious moments together with three beautiful creations.

Bedtime did come early, because we ended up with yet another piece of news regarding our process and schedule.  We learned that we would need to be up and ready to leave at 7:00 am today because we were going to a court appointment of sorts.  As part of the official process, the older children (our two girls) would need to go before a judge and declare with their own voices that they want to be adopted.  A pretty big question to ask some kids who just came to live with their new “Mama” and “Papi” less than 24 hours ago!  But actually, we received it as good news.  We had been previously told this appointment with the judge would not happen for a couple of weeks.  Another sign that things are moving along quickly?? Maybe, maybe not.  Though we are not sure, we choose to believe the best at this point.  We know God’s got this timeline in His hands, and He can move it along if He desires!

So today we were up early, got everybody showered and fed, and out the door right almost on time.  The girls did well at their appointment.  Though we were not in the room with them as they appeared before the judge, our social worker here confirmed that they gave answers that are positive towards our process continuing smoothly.  To celebrate, the social worker then suggested a stop for some ice cream.  At 10:30 in the morning… Why not??!!  Is it ever NOT a good time for ice cream?

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After ice cream, we headed back to fix lunch at the casa.  We did make a couple more stops on the way, though.  At the suggestion of our friend Carlos, who is our agency liaison and driver, we stopped to buy some bread at a bakery and some delicious local oranges at a street market.


We had mac and cheese and fruit for lunch, and then everyone settled in for an afternoon nap.  Everyone except me, that is (including Casey).  I decided I would use the time to send you this update.  We will spend the next few days just continuing to learn how to be family together… Until next week when we will have medical appointments and reports with the social worker.  For now, we are taking things one day at a time, and letting God unveil the plan as we go.

You can continue to pray that we all adjust well to the newness of life as a family of five (and that the language barrier crumbles away quickly).  Pray for continued good days and open doors.  And join us in thanking our Good Good Father for what He is already doing. As a friend reminded us today, we aren’t here with the ability to change the world… But with the Father’s help, we can change the lives of three of His most precious creations in the world – just like they are changing ours.  Sounds like Jeremiah 29:11 to me.

We are blessed.





27 thoughts on “Day 2 & 3: Better Together”

  1. Thanks for taking your nap time to update us! We know nap time is always MUCH needed. I need to move to this country, ice cream in the morning?! Yes please! And volcanos?! They are soooo precious! Love your family photos 🙂 Love ya!

  2. I could not stop telling jamie how Jose jumped into lees arms, I could not say it without tearing up. Then the part where the 3 of them walking away. I thought, there goes 3 less orphans. God is so good and sounds like besides being tired, all is well.
    Continue prayers for all 5 of you !!
    Love you all.

  3. I love reading the updates each day. Such wonderful news. God definitely is in control and blessing all of you. As for the ice cream….I guess thy must get that from Grandma Judy, because she definitely LOVES ice cream. Lol!!!

  4. Thank you Lee. I literally cannot express how much time I have spent praying and thinking about your journey. Each and every day will bring something new, for you, Casey and the kids. It is a joy to just sit back and watch. Seeing the wonderful things that God is doing is amazing to all.

  5. Jolee and I have one question: did the ice cream have an egg in it? jk – We are rejoicing greatly in God’s wonderful grace and your joy in this experience. Love you guys and CANNOT WAIT TO SEE YOU BACK HOME!

  6. Looks like a good day 2 & 3. You guys look so happy. Still praying looking forward to the day you bring your family home.

  7. Beautiful!!!!! Keep the updates coming as you have time. It really allows us to be on the journey with you. I’m thinking with how things are going that I might get to meet them before January 16! Our God truly is good. That song is going to be forever linked to you after your video.
    Love you guys!

  8. Thank you for the updates! We know how hard it is to take time away from the family! Oh love the sound of that! Continued prayers for a speedy process and for bonding and language barriers to be a non issue! Completely understanding that! love you all! Praying for each of you by name! Asking God to continue to show off in the lives of your sweet blessings from Him! Yes DEFINITELY Jer 29:11 playing out before you! He is SO good! Also asking Him for extra strength as you all adjust to being a family of 5!!!! Still sounds great to say that! Know that you are in our thoughts hourly! Praising Him for all He’s done and is continuing to do!

    Love you,
    The Tarter’s

  9. Thank you for the updates!! You can’t imagine how often we check (and have all tearfully watched the video over and over…) 🙂 We are (with all the rest of your family and friends) overwhelmed by God’s goodness! We will continue to pray for each day of the journey. Love you all!

  10. Love this! and ice cream at 10:30 YEEESSS! I took my mom to a DR appointment today and played the video for her while we were waiting. I cried again… this time I controlled it ALOT better. My mom loved it and kept saying “how beautiful!”.
    I too noticed little Jose coming to you with open arms and also how Jenny had her head buried in the worker as she was approaching but then as they were walking away she kept looking back and smiling and there has been smiles and smiles and more smiles.
    Exciting things are moving quicker than expected. I’ve been praying for that too. 😉

  11. So very exciting and great how God just keeps blessing this process. I wouldn’t mind if y’all came home by Christmas! We will be praying for the language barriers, appointments, and schedules. I know God’s got it! Such a beautiful place. Thanks for keeping us updated. I look forward to this everyday! Love you guys so much!

  12. I am finally getting a chance to see this. I am praising God today that He made a way for these children through the completion of your family. Love you guys and can’t wait to see you all together in person. Prayers for sweet times of bonding today.

  13. I’m so happy for all of you. Can’t stop my eyes from watering. 😉 You are a beautiful family, put together by God. Just like with our family, all past heartache and questioning God with “Why?” and “When?” is answered when you look into the faces of the ones God placed in our homes and hearts. Love you all.

  14. Praising God from Whom all blessings flow!! What a beautiful family He has put together! We are and will continue to pray for all the details. Keep the updates and precious pics coming. Love and hugs from us!

  15. Oh my goodness! We couldn’t be more happy for you all if we tried! Thank you so much for sharing these special moments with us. The video had Layla and I moved to tears with joy! The love pouring out of that video was incredible. I shared this with my boys as well…and to quote them “this is so emotional!” God is good!

  16. Incredible! A match truly made in heaven. So thankful things are moving along so quickly. We will continue to pray the process is speedy! We can’t wait to meet them. They look just like you! Absolutely beeming! Love to all of you!

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