December 7 Update

Hola amigos y familia!  Thanks for checking back for more updates and photos.  I have been working throughout the day to get some photos uploaded… We are having a lot of troubles with our internet connection, so it has taken me several hours to get the photos to go through.  However, I’ve made arrangements for different internet service, which we will hopefully get to try later this evening.  Praying it will be better!

The last couple of days have simply been good family time.  We won’t have any “official” adoption happenings or appointments until later this week, so for now we are just enjoying being together and having fun each day.

Saturday we spent some time outside enjoying an amazing weather day.  We did some coloring and working with Play-Doh, and Jose got to enjoy riding a Big Wheel he borrowed from Antonio.

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Then, we set up a table under the cabana and went to work on the oranges we purchased a couple of days ago.  We all had fun working together to enjoy some fresh squeezed orange juice.  Then, some of it went into ice cube trays to make frozen orange cubes.  Yummy!

IMG_3426 IMG_3432IMG_3423IMG_3421 IMG_3424We also did laundry, played outside, and had some time on the iPads.  After dinner, when it was time to take showers and get ready for bed, we told the kids we would be going to church the next morning.  They shouted with excitement!  They have been to a church with their friends from the orphanage, and apparently they learned to like it a lot.  That does Mama and Papi’s hearts good!

Sunday morning, we headed off to church at International Christian Fellowship.  It’s a church primarily for English speaking families who are here for various reasons.  We enjoyed a good time of worship, and the kids got to spend some time in both worship with us and Sunday School with other kids.  They had a great morning, and their time even resulted in our very first refrigerator art!


Lunch after church was at a local favorite called “Tip Top.”  It’s kind of the only real fast food chain around, and it’s primary cuisine is Fried Chicken.  However, here it’s served with fries OR refried beans and tortilla chips.  Kind of a cross between KFC and Taco Bell.  It’s good food and they also have a playland – which means good fun for everyone!

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Sunday after nap time, Casey got out her new selfie stick she brought with us.  First time using it!

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At meal times, we are still enjoying the kid’s desire to pray.  It has now turned into somewhat of a competition over who gets to pray.  So sometimes, we have more than one prayer!  In fact, last night the kids prayed in Spanish, but then specifically looked at us and requested that we also pray in English.  We love that they are learning that prayer is really important in our family!

One other note about last night… We decided to have breakfast for dinner.  We bought some bacon from the grocery store after Tammy told us it was really good – even better than bacon in the states, in her opinion.  We think she was right!  The kids gobbled their bacon… Like “Tio” Josh says at home, everything is better with bacon!! (And these kids love eggs, too!)


Our experience as new parents has not been all perfect fun.  We’ve had our moments of crying, pouting, etc… And for whatever reason, Jose decided to get up at 2:45 last night (well, this morning).  He was wide awake, turning lights on, and trying to wake up his sisters when we discovered it.  So, Papi got to sit up with him until he went back to sleep… 90 minutes later!!  I know, I know.  All of you seasoned parents are just grinning right now.

Today, our friend Tammy surprised us and brought the kids some costumes to play “dress up” with.  What child doesn’t like to dress up as a fairy tale character?  Ours certainly enjoyed it.  We went straight from pajamas to costumes!IMG_3461 IMG_3458 IMG_3455

We also played with sticker books and then watched “Frozen.”


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This afternoon, it was time to get out in the sun and have some fun with the hose.  Our kids love agua!

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You can tell we are having good days, and we feel the power of your prayers for our family.  Thank you for keeping up with us, and for so many positive comments coming our way.  You have been a sweet encouragement to us as we have missed being home this week!  Pray for our days to be filled with plenty to do, and for Mom and Dad to feel God’s strength a little stronger each day as we are away.

Isaiah 41:10 – Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.  – We know God is with us every day, and every step of our journey!

Hopefully the internet service will get better, and we will be able to keep the updates coming.  We have a visit from our social worker to see how things are going sometime later this week, and we will certainly keep you updated.  To our church family in Blue Springs… Thank you for celebrating with us and praying for us again in yesterday’s worship services.

We are blessed.





18 thoughts on “December 7 Update”

  1. We missed you guys yesterday. We watched your video of you meeting your kids for the first time. So many happy tears were shed for your family. We love seeing your pictures and reading about your babies!

  2. WOW! I can tell it is going so wonderfully, as God intended. Wish we were there!

    I think the Sisneys will need to make a trip to Ms. Kathy’s pool this summer if they haven’t sold their house. I am glad God gave you children that love the water as much as you two!

    Of course, we love all the pics and communication, but as you stated, we have all been there. Post when you can because we know you are there to bond. Actually, not too long ago, we were dealing with 4 littles all at the same time. 😉 Now that they are 10, life is a little different. The kids pouting & arguing is normal and means they feel like they can be themselves around you because they know you love them. God will definitely get you through!

    The smiles on your faces make my heart happy! We love you all so much! Give each other hugs from us!

  3. What a blessing to see these wonderful pictures of your children! I wish I could say that having children is always fun but you know different! There are always the ups and downs and God uses all to grow us as parents as well as His children that He has placed in your forever home.

    Excitement is mounting as our church is ready to start moving items that will go with us to our new facility. It is such a blessing to have the Father prepare each and every step. The same is true with a family – – – as you are learning every day.

    We so appreciate your messages and this bunch of pictures are outstanding! Enjoy this week and we will be looking forward to many more pictures and reports.

    Praying for you and your three!
    Dennie Williams

  4. What a blessing to see these wonderful pictures of your children! I wish I could say that having children is always fun but you know different! There are always the ups and downs and God uses all to grow us as parents as well as His children that He has placed in your forever home.

    Excitement is mounting as our church is ready to start moving items that will go with us to our new facility. It is such a blessing to have the Father prepare each and every step. The same is true with a family – – – as you are learning every day.

    We so appreciate your messages and this bunch of pictures are outstanding! Enjoy this week and we will be looking forward to many more pictures and reports.

    Praying for you and your three!
    Dennie Williams

  5. PS We had sent our first message BUT don’t think we went so far as actually “posting it”. It’s always good to follow through to the last of the process!

  6. Pictures really are worth 1000 words! We loved your little family before we even knew what they looked like…now, having seen them “in action shots,” we love them even more (if that’s possible). Seriously can’t wait to meet the Sisney children in person. Uh….they will definitely need different clothes when they get home!! 😉

    Thoughts, prayers, blessings and everything else is being extended to yall. Praying for the fastest adoption process in the history of Nicaragua!! We love the Sisney 5 (nice name for a music group, huh?!).

  7. Love the refrigerator art!!! Precious!!!
    I just played the first video for my daughters boyfriend. Lost track of how many times I have seen it and showed it to others. It melts all of our hearts!
    Every time I hear that song on the radio, my heart soars – seriously. I find myself smiling BIG!

  8. Looks like y’all are having so much fun! We continue to pray for the process and daily interaction with the kids. It looks like u guys are doing awesome! It’s actually 60 degrees today here at home, but I’m sure the cold weather is on its way. We love and miss you guys! Have a great day!!!!

  9. just now getting around to reading the last few blog posts. dear goodness i love those kids. so thankful for the updates and all the pictures of (all 5) happy faces. love you all so much. pray and think of you often. send my love to the babes. xoxo east

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