December 11 Update

¡Buenos días! Hopefully all of you have had a good week, and are looking forward to a nice weekend.  We are missing all of you at home, but we know that we are right where we belong at this time.  Thank you for praying for our family when you think of us!

Today we are continuing the struggle to overcome the fever that has made it’s way through the kids.  Although it has not been full-fledged flu or anything along those lines, every time we think it’s gone it rears it’s head again.  Jose is past it, but the girls have still had some fever last night and this morning.  They don’t feel bad enough to want to stay in bed, so we are continuing to do some things together.  But you can tell today that the usual energy is not quite there.  🙂

I will have to say that we probably aren’t very good parents.  We should have stayed home yesterday and made sure that everyone was resting and not pushing it.  Nope.  Not us!  It seemed everyone was feeling good at the time, so off we went to the movies with miss Tammy and her boys!  Honestly, our kids did great.  Probably just a bit too much-too soon in hind sight.

Nevertheless, we had a really great afternoon.  This was the first time our kids had ever been to a movie theatre.  Such a treat for us to get to share in this experience with them!  We went to a cinema located at The Galleria (Galerías Santo Domingo), which is the only large shopping mall in Managua.



IMG_3569We saw the movie “The Good Dinosaur.”  While the entire movie was in Spanish, even Casey and I enjoyed it.  Regardless of the dialogue language, we could easily follow the story line.  The kids seemed to really enjoy the experience, even with a few little scary parts.  Movie theatre popcorn was a great treat, too!


IMG_7104After the movie, miss Tammy’s boys (Slaton and Antonio) asked if we could go to the arcade.  Again, another first for our bunch.  Talk about lots to take in!  They couldn’t seem to finish one thing before becoming mesmerized by another.

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By the time we were done, they were tired and ready to go home! After dinner and showers, they went right to bed and slept hard.

Today we have enjoyed breakfast together and then went out for a walk around Hope Central.  It’s a beautiful day here, and it’s good to get outside each day and take advantage of the grounds here.  However, our kids love being at the casa and hanging out together.  So after our walk, we came back inside and did a project together making bracelets.

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We will spend the rest of the day staying close to the casa to make sure that everyone can take it easy and get over any remaining fever.  But Papi is going to do a little shopping with Tammy later while everyone else stays here and rests.  Sunday is Sofia’s birthday, so I need to get some things so we can have our first family birthday celebration!

You know, this may sound silly, but yesterday I actually teared up watching “The Good Dinosaur.” If you haven’t seen the movie, I’ll try not to spoil too much.  But at the end of the movie, one of the final scenes depicts an orphan being taken into a new family.  You need to see it to fully understand the story line, but most people would tear up because the scene also included a friend having to say goodbye in order to go be with his new family.  But I teared up because the new family was a Mom, Dad and three kids, offering a new – better – life to the orphan as he became part of a loving family.  He was sad to leave a friend, but so excited for the new life that awaited.

I just couldn’t help it but to see our family in those silly cartoon characters, and to think, “That’s what God just did for us!”  He created a bigger family so that these three little ones could have a better life than what they’ve had.   And that’s what the Father also did for each of us when He made a way for us to know Him, and to become His children through salvation.

It’s so cool to watch God’s bigger plan unfold, and I’m grateful He chose us to help make it happen!


We are blessed.




5 thoughts on “December 11 Update”

  1. So sorry the kids have been a little under the weather…. no fun! Still praying for you each day and love watching your story unfold. We miss you but are SO thankful that you have this time to just be a family (and so excited you get to celebrate a first birthday together this weekend!)

  2. WOW! Well, now I want to see The Good Dinosaur! You made me tear up just reading about all of the 1sts that you got to experience with the kids. I hope you are keeping all of these as a journal of your experience for the kids to one day read and realize what God did by bringing you all together.

    Earlier Brad asked, “So, what are our plans this weekend?” I said, “Nothing. This is usually Blue Springs Weekend.” What a difference one year makes in our lives. I know we have said it over and over, but as my grandma used to say, IT BEARS REPEATING. GOD IS SO VERY GOOD!!!

    Enjoy all the time with the kids! You all look so happy and you deserve this happiness and more! LOVE YOU! Hugs & Kisses to all!

  3. Loving these updates! We’ve had a crazy sad week so just catching up. Praying the kids are all feeling better! Hearing you describe the movie made me tear up. God is so good isn’t He sweet friends! Once you step into the story of an orphan you’ll never look at things the same and your life completely changes! So thankful to God He’s called both our families to this journey! Praying for you all everyday! It’s so wonderful you get to celebrate Sofia’s birthday WITH her! Love that very much! Know you are all in our families thoughts and prayers! Love you all! Again gotta say it HE IS FAITHFUL!

  4. Just some info- – -Amy speaks fluent Spanish. If you need some help in your “forever family”, just contact her. She would be most excited to assist if needed. I know the children will learn English asap, but possibly having someone that can understand and speak to them might help.

    There are probably countless others that can do the same but want you to know she can be available if necessary.

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