December 9 Update

I’m actually not getting this posted until the morning of December 10 (Thursday)… But that’s because our internet was not working again last night, so my hands were tied.

As I told you Tuesday night, our little one came down with a fever and wasn’t feeling so good.  After our initial “stomach episode” that evening, he didn’t seem to have any more tummy troubles – mostly the fever and some stuffy head.  In fact, we think the tummy problem was mostly caused by some drainage.  Along with some medicine, he slept all night, and rested much of the day Wednesday.

I know it sounds bad, ’cause he was sick… But he looks adorable when he’s sleeping.

IMG_3550IMG_3545 That thing he’s holding is a plastic martillo (hammer).  It has become his favorite toy since being with us, and he doesn’t like to do much of anything without it.

The good news is that, by yesterday evening, he was perking up and getting his energy back.  We got him to eat a little, and the smiles and silliness started peeking through.  Those were good signs.


The bad news is that both of the girls have now shown signs of the same sickness.  Towards the end of last week, we were around a person or two that had a bit of a head cold-type thing (I never know what really constitutes actually having “a cold”).  We think they may have just all caught a tiny bit of it.  Sofia had a short round with some fever yesterday, but it didn’t amount to much.  This morning, Jennyfer woke up with it and is coughing quite a bit.

Whatever it is, the encouraging thing is that it doesn’t seem to be lasting long.

Meanwhile, I took a little time on Tuesday to go with Miss Tammy to a local market to get some fruits and veggies.  It’s cheaper to buy them at market then at the grocery store.  This was my first time visiting a market, and I wish I had gotten more photos.  However, you have to guard your phone closely.

There is anything and everything at the market.  If you need it for everyday living, someone sells it a booth.

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Yesterday we spent most of our time just taking it easy, since not everyone was feeling up to speed.  I took the chance to do some cleaning around the casa, and Casey got to go have a little friend time with Tammy over lunch.

One “official” update, however… Yesterday afternoon we had our first home visit from our Nicaragua social worker. I told you previously this was a good thing because we weren’t expecting it this soon.  In our opinion, the visit seemed to go very well! She appeared to be pleased with what she observed of the children, and with our answers to her questions.  Some of her responses seemed to indicate that she might even have been a bit surprised (pleasantly) at how well the children have adapted to us so quickly, and at the strength of our relationship with them after just the first week.  At times we are surprised by it all, too… But then, that’s just how God has been working through this whole process!

She left asking us to email her a handful of photos of our time with the children because she wanted to present them to some of the officials who are reviewing cases.  I’ll have more info on that later, but for now we were excited that she seems to be keeping things rolling for us.

We ended the day on Wednesday with everyone feeling good enough to have a special treat.  I had gotten them the night before, but with Jose getting sick, they got put on hold.

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Our love to all of you who are reading and following our progress. Depending on how everyone feels, we may be trying to get out and do some fun things today.  Check back soon…

We are blessed,




9 thoughts on “December 9 Update”

  1. Sorry to hear they came down with a bug. I love how God takes negative/difficult things and turns them upside down however. Just think…you got to be that person who is the one to show that kind of caring that every child needs from a parent when they are not feeling good. I’m 51 years old and there are times when I still “Want my mommy” when I am sick. There is something special about that bond that develops when someone shows you care and love and checks to see if you have a fever and tucks you in and tries to find foods you can keep down and gets a cold washcloth to put on your forehead.
    God Bless you all!

  2. Hi Gang!

    Illness with children is heartbreaking, draining on everyone, BUT what a great time to extend yourselves to love on these beautiful creations from the very hand of our Father! So good to see they are rallying back to good health AND seeing the two of you pouring into the hearts, minds, and spirits of these beautiful children.

    As you well know, God doesn’t waste a thing when we are in His will, following His guiding, and extending ourselves in ways that we never dreamed or imagined.

    So-o-o glad the kiddos are recovering to the point of eating ice cream! That’s a milestone for ailing children.

    It looks like and sounds like God is moving in His direction and His timeline to bring this family home – ALL 5 of You!!!! Can’t wait to meet your kiddos and see a “new” Sisney Family right here in our community, in our church and in our hearts!

  3. Hi Gang!

    Illness with children is heartbreaking, draining on everyone, BUT what a great time to extend yourselves to love on these beautiful creations from the very hand of our Father! So good to see they are rallying back to good health AND seeing the two of you pouring into the hearts, minds, and spirits of these beautiful children.

    As you well know, God doesn’t waste a thing when we are in His will, following His guiding, and extending ourselves in ways that we never dreamed or imagined.

    So-o-o glad the kiddos are recovering to the point of eating ice cream! That’s a milestone for ailing children.

    It looks like and sounds like God is moving in His direction and His timeline to bring this family home – ALL 5 of You!!!! Can’t wait to meet your kiddos and see a “new” Sisney Family right here in our community, in our church and in our hearts!

  4. So glad the Cinco Sisneys are on the mend! We will keep those healing prayers rolling. Love all the pics! Almost feels like we are there with you. 🙂

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